Harper had a great first Halloween! We met up with Tim, Susan, Ethan and Nia at a pumpkin festival the week prior to Halloween and took our family portrait.
There we are! Harper looks like she's saying "how did I get
mixed up with these people." |
Just chillin' with the pumpkins. |
We went over to Tim & Susan's on Sunday before Halloween to carve pumpkins. We had to stop and get a pumpkin that afternoon and decided to try and take one of the classic "baby with pumpkin" photos. As you can tell from the pictures below, it didn't really go as planned.
first came the pout... |
then the tears... |
then the reach for mommy. |
We moved locations and tried again...
she was not having it. there's always next year. |
We went over to Tim and Susan's on Halloween to go trick or treating with Ethan and Nia. Harper wore a costume that was passed down from Nia. She was beginning to get a little cold and wasn't feeling well, but she was a trooper. We walked the neighborhood with Ethan and Nia and had a great time.
our little pumpkin. |
not feeling great, but hanging in there. |
This was the first year that Ethan and Nia went trick or treating. It was so fun to see them catch on to what it entailed. Ethan was a little hesitant about going up to people's doors, but Nia was all about it. She has no fear. It'll be fun to see how Harper does when she's older. Here's a shot of the 3 of them after a long night of collecting candy:
The only costume Susan could get Ethan to wear was
an M&M bag. The kid loves candy! Nia was a
beautiful princess. |
Can't wait for next year!