Friday, May 20, 2011

Who'da thunk it?

 In our conversations about Harper and what she would look like, Derek and I wondered if she would be a toe-head (white/blond hair) like he was or have light brown hair like I had.  Never in any of our conversations did we say anything about the possibility that she would be a red-head. 

There is a history of red hair on both sides of our family.  My dad and paternal grandmother had auburn hair (they're both grey now).  Derek has some distant family members that had red hair.  Even Derek's beard is red when he grows it out.  But both of us have naturally pretty dark hair.  Certainly our kids would too.  What a surprise it was to us when our sweet little girl came out with red hair!  See.....

Who'da thunk it?  Isn't she gorgeous?  Our sweet little red-head.  I wonder if it will stay red or if it will darken as she gets older.  Can't wait to see!

1 comment:

  1. Well we never saw it coming, but I' m sure she will rock it like no other before her. I Love you both. See you soon.
